GDW intelligence
GDW intelligence
GDW intelligence (GDW-i) is a policy support system providing live dam mapping, curation, research, analysis and visualisation tools for dam data at the national and basin scale. It allows addition and editing of dam data by country and basin and also supports analysis, visualisation and download of data. GDW-i provides a suite of analytical tools in support of policy and decision making.
Data within GDW-i are a work in progress and may contain duplicate records, missing dams, missing or uncertain attributes. Before using GDW-i data for a basin or country that you know, spend some time to curate and verify the data, if that has not already been done.
Volunteers and interns are sought to help curate the 150,000 records in GDW-i, contact us if interested.
Examples of the types of analyses possible include:
Map current, planned or current and planned dams for a country or basin
Map attributes of dams eg completion year, HEP reported capacity for a country or basin
Map attributes greater, less or equal to a threshold eg completion year after 1950 for a country or basin
Map dams within protected areas or other designations for a country or basin
List dams with any of the above conditions eg within protected areas for a country or basin
Show the reported and calculated attributes of a dam
Show database statistics or data sources for a country or basin
Show global statistics for the GDW-i data
List dams in view (login required)
Add, edit, move, merge delete or snap dam records (login required)
Download dam data (data curation effort and login required)
See GDW-i documentation for further details
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