About us
Global Dam Watch brings together a global consortium of organisations with an interest in open access data and information related to dams
Global Dam Watch aims to maintain the world’s most comprehensive and freely available global dam data and tools. This site provides information on the location and characteristics of dam, reservoir, and river barrier datasets at global and regional scales. Data of this nature enables a wide range of groundbreaking new studies related to the social and environmental benefits and risks of large-scale dam construction and operation and supports better decision-making and policy development.
The lack of a consistent and regularly updated global dam datasets is a barrier for understanding the benefits, impacts and dependencies associated with dams, tracking the status of river health over time, and measuring progress towards global social and environmental goals. There are likely millions of dams and reservoirs on the planet, but despite efforts by individual groups, only a small proportion of them have been mapped and even fewer have open access attribute data.
Global Dam Watch was initiated by leading academic institutions and NGOs that are working together to fill this critical gap. Existing data are compiled, cleaned, and curated, and new data are being collected using a variety of innovative methods, from citizen science to remote sensing and machine learning. Global Dam Watch harmonizes these different approaches to create consistent, high quality dam data at the global scale.
Our intention is to grow the initial group of team members, partners, and supporters. If you are interested to participate reach out via our contact page.
Core GDW team:
Department of Geography, King’s College London
McGill University
Tübingen University
World Wildlife Fund
European Commission’s Joint Research Centre
Partners, sponsors and supporters:
The Nature Conservancy
Conservation International
Amber International
World Resources Institute
UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The World Bank Group
Founding members:
Mark Mulligan,
Bernhard Lehner,
Michele Thieme,
Christiane Zarfl,
Arnout van Soesbergen
Penny Beames
Luca De Felice
GDW collaborators:
Jonathan Higgins
Stephanie R Januchowski-Hartley
Kate A Brauman
Qingke Wen
Carlos Garcia de Leaniz
Barbara Belletti
Lisa Mandle
Xiao Yang
Nick Mazany-Wright
Mira Anand,
Mathis Messager,
Kimberly Lyon,
Marcus Wishart,
Jean-Francois Pekel,
Tamlin Pavelsky,
Jida Wang
GDW interns and volunteers:
Elise Devine
Jade Clark
Amnique Sidhu
Mariyah Alikhan
Li Xinyu
Chun Ho Cheng
Tianqi Xiang
A huge thankyou to the many contributors to our foundational databases, without which GDW would not have been possible.